Upper Beck Lake, Sunflowers in the evening

Preparing for your Session, What to know.

What to wear?

 During a session, I may have you move around to adjust for work on the table or participate in movement work. I do not do normal draping used in massage, but do have blankets for comfort. For women: athletic shorts or sports bra or full coverage underwear and bra are typical(some women prefer open backed camisoles) For Men: athletic shorts, boxer briefs or full coverage underwear are typical. Most important is that you are comfortable and I am able to work on the areas needed.

What to expect?

 In your first visit, please allow for a 90 minute session; we will go over the intake form and discuss your expectations and goals. I will discuss what options are available for the work and then we will work together to create a care plan. This is an individualistic therapy and will look different for everyone. Every session, I will do a pre and post body assessment. Meaning, I will have you walk or do other movements to see what may be functioning or not functioning with those movements. This gives me a baseline for every session to see where you are and where you are going. We will then move to the table work session and I may call for movement while on the table or have you get up and walk to re-assess function or your tensional patterns. The session ends with neck work and seated back work as needed. 


Rolfing Structural Integration is a very communicative form of bodywork. I will ask for honest feedback during the session, any and all questions about the work are warranted. When I know how you are doing and what you are experiencing, I can then adjust my touch and/or intention to be the most effective. If anything at any time does not feel right or comfortable I need to know so that I can make the right adjustments for what works for you.  


My main office is located at the Rocky Mountain Wellness Connection, 337 Robert St. Cody, WY. I am in the basement office space. I may be with a client, so please wait in the upstairs seating area and I will come get you at your appointment time.

*Note that my office is down one flight of stairs. I realize navigating stairs may be difficult for some clients. If so, please contact me and we can figure out an alternative space or accommodation.

My second office location is at 8 Stalnacker St. in Dubois, WY. Once a month, I visit Dubois and see clients Friday thru Sunday. These appointments are available to call and book through me, as the schedule is ever changing. 


Payment is to be taken after every session unless we have discussed a prior arrangement. Cash and Checks are appreciated (make checks payable to Kelly Phillips LLC). I also take Credit Cards, HSA(Health Savings Account) or Venmo (@mountainrootsrolfing).

Covid Awareness

I have taken steps to maintain a clean and safe environment for myself and all my clients. I do not require clients to wear a mask, but any and all clients are free to do so if they choose. I will wear a mask during our sessions if need be. The need may be that I have a sick family memeber or you(the client) has someone sick in the household.  I am doing this to protect all my clients, my self and my family from Covid or any other illness going around. This way, I hope to keep my practice open and functioning without having long duration closures.