About Rolfing Structural Integration

Dr. Ida P. Rolf:

The Pioneer of Rolfing

Our namesake, Dr Ida Rolf, was born in the Bronx, NY in 1896. She graduated with her PhD in biological chemistry in 1920 from Columbia University. She worked at the Rockefeller Institute working in the lab while writing academic papers about her scientific findings. She also spent time at two different European Institutes for math and physics.

Over the next two decades, Dr. Rolf continued her scientific studies, while spending time assessing the human structure using her perspective from physics and biological chemistry. She found, through her manual therapy that when a person's structure was aligned there was more ease, range of motion and functional movement in their bodies.

In the 1960’s, Dr. Rolf began teaching “Structural Integration” the name she coined for her work. Her students took on the term, Rolfing and in 1971, she consolidated her teachings into the Dr. Rolf Institute of Structural Integration and the school's current place of operation became Boulder, CO. She passed away at the age of 83 in 1979. Dr. Rolf's legacy lives on through the ongoing work of Rolfers, who continue to share her teachings and bring the benefits of Rolfing to people everywhere.

Form and function are a unity, two sides of one coin. In order to enhance function, appropriate form must exist or be created.
— Dr. Ida Rolf

Session Options

All sessions are tailored to individual needs and range from 60-90 min. We can discuss options with a free 20 min. phone call or an in-person meeting.

  • Single Visit Session

  • Mini Series of 3 Sessions

  • Rolfing 10-Session Series

  • Post-10 Rolfing Session

  • Tune Ups & Maintenance

  • ScarWork Therapy

  • SourcePoint Therapy

Some morning, evening or weekend appointments available upon request and special circumstances.

Services & Pricing

First Visit Rolfing SI Session (90min) - $125

Rolfing SI/ScarWork/SourcePoint Sessions (75min) - $125

Infant/Children 0-12 years old (30-45min) -$50

Teens 13-17 years old (60min) - $80

Pre-Pay Packages 10% Discount

3 Session Pre-Pay - $337

10-Series Pre Pay - $1,125

I accept Cash, Check, Credit Card, Venmo, or HSA(Health Savings Account). Please note that while tips are appreciated, they are not expected. I charge what is fair for my experience, education, work, and time.
Please respect a 12 hour cancelation policy or expect to be charged for your session. 

The Ten Series

This is recommended for everyone new to Rolfing as the most thorough way to approach a desired outcome, if it is feasible for you. Traditionally, Rolfing Structural Integration is practiced in a series of ten sessions that can range from 75-90 minutes in length. Each session builds upon the previous one, with the ultimate goal of achieving optimal alignment and balance in the body. The series is designed to reorganize the body and unwind tensional patterns, returning the body to a place of balance and functional ease that is unique to each individual. Rolfing SI is a therapeutic process utilizing movement education, body biomechanics and somatic awareness which helps a client discover the most efficient way of using his or her body, given the limitations, liabilities, and history of the individual.

Session 1-3

The first three sessions focus on the neck, chest, side of the body, feet, and lower leg. The objective is to start unraveling old tissue patterns to improve breathing, create sound support through the feet, and lengthen the body, creating more front/back/side/side balance.

Session 4-7

Here we delve further into the "core" of the body, addressing the pelvis, viscera (organs), abdomen, sacrum & spine, face and cranium. These sessions can often bring about a heightened level of physical, energetic, or emotional awareness, which can be carried into everyday life.

Session 8-10

These sessions are dedicated to addressing any remaining areas that need attention to integrate the body as a whole. Some of the work during these sessions may revisit common trouble spots. As the body begins to settle into the previous bodywork, individuals typically experience a sense of relaxation, increased energy, and overall physical well-being during the final three sessions.

After the 10-Series

After receiving a 10-Series the body often continues changing and integrating for many months. It is recommended to take some time (3-6months) from sessions and allow your body to settle into its new alignment and daily movement pattern.

If you have already had the 10-series, we can continue to support the changes you achieved in continuing the work together. Many people choose monthly maintenance sessions or a session every couple of months. If you have hobbies or a job with a lot of intense physical aspects, you may choose to come in more frequently to offset constant strain. These sessions may include elements such as Rolfing, SourcePoint Therapy, Rolf Movement and ScarWork Therapy. These Post-10 sessions aim to continue to support you as you move through life.